Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Why not be my referral and get Extra Swagbucks Monday?! Sign up for SwagCodez!

Why not start a swagbucks account and get a bunch of free points on Monday? Sign up here and be my referral! >>>>>>
 AFTER you become my referral... sign up with SwagCodez and never miss a code again!
BIIIIIG NEWWWWS READ: SwAg CoDe ExTrAvAgaNzA CoMiNg yOUr wAy! M0ndAy DeCeMbER 19TH. - Make sure to check into as much as possible that day to ensure you do not miss any codes! THERE WILL BE 8 CODES THAT DAY TOTALING 70 SWAGBUCKS. SHARE US WITH YOUR FRIENDS, make sure to tell them that will have all the codes up to the minute for them and for them to check into the website as frequently as possible!
· · · about an hour ago